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On-Chain Gas Estimation (Alpha)


The on-chain gas estimation API is currently only available on testnet.

On-chain gas estimation allows you to estimate interchain transaction gas fees directly from a Solidity contract. You should only use this if you are unable to estimate gas off-chain — for example, if you have a dApp or service that does not have a UI for initiating transactions.

This on-chain API overestimates gas costs using a multiplier for volatility. For more accurate pricing, use the off-chain gas estimation API.


The on-chain API provided by the IInterchainGasEstimation interface, which is implemented by the AxelarGasService contract. Gas estimates will include a buffer, as they do not have access to real time off-chain gas pricing.

The primary method to invoke is estimateGasFee().

 * @notice Estimates the gas fee for a cross-chain contract call.
 * @param destinationChain Axelar registered name of the destination chain
 * @param destinationAddress Destination contract address being called
 * @param executionGasLimit The gas limit to be used for the destination contract execution,
 *        e.g. pass in 200k if your app consumes needs upto 200k for this contract call
 * @param params Additional parameters for the gas estimation
 * @return gasEstimate The cross-chain gas estimate, in terms of source chain's native gas token that should be forwarded to the gas service.
function estimateGasFee(
    string calldata destinationChain,
    string calldata destinationAddress,
    bytes calldata payload,
    uint256 executionGasLimit,
    bytes calldata params
) external view returns (uint256 gasEstimate);

When using on-chain gas estimation, you should pay gas based on the estimate from the new payGas() function on the gas service instead of calling payNativeGasForContractCall().

 * @notice Pay for gas for any type of contract execution on a destination chain.
 * @dev This function is called on the source chain before calling the gateway to execute a remote contract.
 * @dev If estimateOnChain is true, the function will estimate the gas cost and revert if the payment is insufficient.
 * @param sender The address making the payment
 * @param destinationChain The target chain where the contract call will be made
 * @param destinationAddress The target address on the destination chain
 * @param payload Data payload for the contract call
 * @param executionGasLimit The gas limit for the contract call
 * @param estimateOnChain Flag to enable on-chain gas estimation
 * @param refundAddress The address where refunds, if any, should be sent
 * @param params Additional parameters for gas payment. This can be left empty for normal contract call payments.
function payGas(
    address sender,
    string calldata destinationChain,
    string calldata destinationAddress,
    bytes calldata payload,
    uint256 executionGasLimit,
    bool estimateOnChain,
    address refundAddress,
    bytes calldata params
) external payable;

Full GMP Example

The following is an example GMP contract that can send and receive messages. This contract can be found in the axelar-examples repository on GitHub.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import { AxelarExecutable } from '@axelar-network/axelar-gmp-sdk-solidity/contracts/executable/AxelarExecutable.sol';
import { IAxelarGateway } from '@axelar-network/axelar-gmp-sdk-solidity/contracts/interfaces/IAxelarGateway.sol';
import { IAxelarGasService } from '@axelar-network/axelar-gmp-sdk-solidity/contracts/interfaces/IAxelarGasService.sol';
import { IERC20 } from '@axelar-network/axelar-gmp-sdk-solidity/contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol';

 * @title CallContractGasEstimation
 * @notice Send a message from chain A to chain B and stores gmp message
contract CallContractGasEstimation is AxelarExecutable {
    string public message;
    string public sourceChain;
    string public sourceAddress;
    IAxelarGasService public immutable gasService;
    uint256 public constant GAS_LIMIT = 200000;

    event Executed(string _from, string _message);

     * @param _gateway address of axl gateway on deployed chain
     * @param _gasReceiver address of axl gas service on deployed chain
    constructor(address _gateway, address _gasReceiver) AxelarExecutable(_gateway) {
        gasService = IAxelarGasService(_gasReceiver);

     * @notice Estimate gas for a cross-chain contract call
     * @param destinationChain name of the dest chain
     * @param destinationAddress address on dest chain this tx is going to
     * @param _message message to be sent
     * @return gasEstimate The cross-chain gas estimate
    function estimateGasFee(
        string calldata destinationChain,
        string calldata destinationAddress,
        string calldata _message
    ) external view returns (uint256) {
        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(_message);

        return gasService.estimateGasFee(
            new bytes(0)

     * @notice Send message from chain A to chain B
     * @dev message param is passed in as gmp message
     * @param destinationChain name of the dest chain (ex. "Fantom")
     * @param destinationAddress address on dest chain this tx is going to
     * @param _message message to be sent
    function setRemoteValue(
        string calldata destinationChain,
        string calldata destinationAddress,
        string calldata _message
    ) external payable {
        require(msg.value > 0, 'Gas payment is required');

        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(_message);
        gasService.payGas{ value: msg.value }(
            new bytes(0)
        gateway.callContract(destinationChain, destinationAddress, payload);

     * @notice logic to be executed on dest chain
     * @dev this is triggered automatically by relayer
     * @param _sourceChain blockchain where tx is originating from
     * @param _sourceAddress address on src chain where tx is originating from
     * @param _payload encoded gmp message sent from src chain
    function _execute(string calldata _sourceChain, string calldata _sourceAddress, bytes calldata _payload) internal override {
        (message) = abi.decode(_payload, (string));
        sourceChain = _sourceChain;
        sourceAddress = _sourceAddress;

        emit Executed(sourceAddress, message);

Transaction execution

Transaction execution is not guaranteed with the on-chain gas estimation API. If you wish to guarantee that your transactions will be executed, please contact the Interop Labs team.

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